Due to COVID-19 shutdowns, The Light House had to get creative in how we delivered programming while quarantining. As we began the process of migrating support systems for our population of autistic, developmentally delayed, and intellectually challenged individuals to online, digital platforms, we quickly realized that not everyone had the same access to technology.
With having to extend safe social distancing, equitable access to technology and connectivity became critical in allowing us to be able to support the learning, mental, and social well-being needs of our students.
Fortunately, we received assistance through the Neighbors for Neighbors Fund to purchase iPads, allowing us to continue to provide much-needed services through technology without interruption.
Through remote platforms, we continue to make social and emotional well-being a priority for those we serve. We recognize that, during a disruptive event like COVID-19, emotional well-being is directly tied to improving conditions for learning and ultimately improving overall life outcomes.
We are extremely thankful to have been able to purchase iPads through the generous donation by the Neighbors for Neighbors Fund.
The Neighbors for Neighbors Fund was established by the Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut and is jointly administered with the United Ways of Southeastern Connecticut and Central and Northeastern Connecticut.