The community campus provides structured community based experiences for adults (18+) with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Activities are designed to develop adaptive skills in order to increase independence in the community. Programs provide individualized participant-driven activities that lead to the acquisition of skills needed to prepare an individual for work and/or community involvement. The program is centrally located within the business district of New London, which allows access to many resources, businesses, and activities. Individual programs may include socialization, leisure, recreation, independent living skills, adaptive skills, personal care, or pre-employment components. The facility is equipped with a full kitchen and laundry area. Technology is integrated into the program to offer increased opportunities for socialization and independence.

The DSO (Day Support Option) program is Monday through Friday, 8:00am – 2:00pm Adults 21+ working towards independence.
Email: WRobinson@lvecenter.com to apply or learn more information
After academic requirements are met, a student (18-21) may be able to receive services in the DSO program in order to ensure successful transition from a school-based program to adult day services.
Email: WRobinson@lvecenter.com or call
(860) 445-7626x118 to apply or learn more information

Monday through Friday, 2:00pm – 4:30pm
The Respite Services consist of leisure activities within the program site and surrounding community, ensuring health and safety for all individuals. Staff to individual ratio: 1 to 6. For more information about Family Respite Services and funding go to www.ct.gov\dds.
The LH day program incorporates outstanding therapists' suggestions into everyday practices (OT, PT, etc.) and they do a wonderful job supporting families while transitioning from school to adult services. Most importantly, however, is the fact that clients are treated with respect and love by the staff.

Social groups meet one night per week throughout the academic calendar year. Participants in these programs must be able to care for themselves. Group members participate in a local community setting and establish, build, and maintain friendships while building self-advocacy skills.
Our son has attended the program for twenty years. We have watched him grow and attain numerous skills through the program. Most importantly, he looks forward to each day and is always happy to attend. This program strives to provide a safe and happy environment for each of the individuals that it serves.