Evening social groups allow participants to be active members of their local community through shared group experiences.
Participants gain confidence in choice making and learn to interact within a group dynamic. Individuals coordinate events such as bowling, seeing movies, eating out, and any other activities that friends engage in.
Meaningful relationships are developed, and community connections are formed through weekly community based outings. Participants look forward to evenings out where they can be in a relaxed environment without the stressors of work and home.

Wednesday Night group was the first group established by what became The Light House in 1987. Many of the members have been together for nearly 30 years. As a close knit group of friends they have had fun and grown socially throughout the years. This is a member’s run group that is supported by two trained staff who help facilitate outings. Schedules of monthly activities are developed collectively. Outings include but are not limited to Eating out in the community, bowling, shopping, and experiencing the local community. Groups are held Wednesday evenings.
Read the featured article in The Day, “Special Friends Celebrate 30 years Together”.

Experience Niantic is a social group for men with developmental disabilities built around the small town character and accessibility of Niantic, CT. Walks on the boardwalk, visiting local businesses, restaurants, and joining local events and sports, are only a few possibilities to explore while participating in the group. Experience Niantic has two trained staff who offer direction and guidance. The participants make choices as a group to elect what the evening’s activity will be. Groups are held Thursday evenings.