Post-Secondary College and Career
Comprehensive residential or day program where students work toward personal goals in independent living, post-secondary education, and employment. Services include advising, structured tutoring, workshops, individual instruction, and job coaching. The program is focused around our core domain areas and implements and follows student's IEP.

Learn the skills necessary to find, secure, and maintain employment. Develop a career plan that allows you to leverage your strengths and interests in a job that is right for you.

Pursue higher levels of education in college, trade school, or certificate programs. Navigate post-secondary supports and understand the "unwritten" rules of college.

Learn how to live, cooperate, and socialize with others both within your residence and out. Participate in the community and immerse yourself in new experiences that foster personal growth.

Develop the independent living skills necessary to live on your own including: home management, safety, organization, money management, and consumerism.
The independent living part of our program is focused on teaching the independent living skills necessary for an individual to live on his or her own. Students are immediately and continually immersed in responsibilities of daily living management. Instruction includes home management, meal planning and preparation as well as safety, banking, budgeting and consumerism. Students learn to confidently manage their own responsibilities as well as collaborate and contribute to shared household responsibilities. Instruction is focused on developing the organizational system and planning to carry out these responsibilities.
The primary focus of this domain area is the individual. Students learn self awareness skills so they are able to self advocate, understand their needs, and formulate plans to independently achieve personal goals. Â Students learn how to live, cooperate, and socialize with others both within the residence and out. Students learn personal management skills including managing their personal schedule and responsibilities. Students are also immersed in new situations that foster the development of increased communication skills and new opportunities to establish their independence. Â As the student develops their personal goals, understands their needs and self discovers, LIVECTA staff work with them to carefully develop a future plan.
LIVECTA students pursue higher levels of education and establish a post secondary education plan that may include college, trade school or certificate programs. LIVECTA students learn how to navigate these post secondary options and learn the academic management strategies that are required for these various routes. LIVECTA has an actively managed collaboration with many of the higher education options within Southeastern Connecticut.
Students learn employment skills by learning the skills necessary to effectively locate, apply, interview, and maintain employment. This is done by working with the student to define their interests and abilities related to potential career and job opportunities. LIVECTA students may participate in volunteer work, internships, or other work study programs to gain more experience and insight on possible employment opportunities. LIVECTA students create a personal employment portfolio to serve as a reference and tool to use for planning, securing and maintaining employment. LIVECTA students also learn how to use and locate available resources within the community including the Department of Labor and Bureau of Rehabilitation Services.
LIVECTA students learn how to access the community independently and learn how to locate and utilize the resources available to them. LIVECTA students also learn how to secure their own transportation. This may include enrolling in a driver's education program or learning how to read a bus schedule, and utilizing public transportation. Students are introduced to local social activities and instructed on how to access them. Students learn their citizenship rights and responsibilities which may include taking an active role in their community.
Step 1: Apply
Download and fill out the application
Step 2: Submit Application
Email application to livecta@lhcampus.com
Step 3: Forward school records/ school transcripts, special accommodation records (IEP or 504), and most recent psycho-educational report
Step 4: Schedule an Interview